Hi all,
I just added two new programs to the free KXL program download page, they are:
GetAndSaveDisplayView.kxc which is a program that saves the display view by entering a saved view number or press F1 to save the current view. Then you are able to open another Keycreator™ CKD file and restore the saved view by pressing F2 from the program menu.
LevOnOff.kxc is a program that quickly allows the turning on and off of levels via the selection of a entity (or multiple entities). Whenever the program is executed the second time the level list is restored to what it was when the program was executed the first time. The down loadable file is a zip file containing multiple files. Please read the LevOnOffReadme.pdf file before using this program to get a basic understanding on how the program works.
Then last but not least I added my newest program called CircularSlots. This program has also been added to the Package deal.
You may find out more information right here: download page
Well, if any of you need some custom KXL programming done or have some questions about the KXL language, feel free to contact me.