Miter Solids is a CDE add-on option to KeyCreator™ CAD software. This program allows you to trim/extend rectangular and/or cylindrical solids and miter them at their intersections with a few clicks. No more establishing construction planes before trimming. Simply select the geometry and it will be done for you. This program is an incredible time saver for many users.
To see a help video on the Miter Solids program click Watch Me.
The Miter Solids program will currently run in KeyCreator™ version 11.3 to 12.x.
The trial version of Miter Solids will work for 30 days from the first execution of the program.
Please feel free to download the installer for the Miter Solids Trial version for KeyCreator™:
Download the trial version for the 32 & 64 bit environment
If you wish to buy the Miter Solids program for KeyCreator™ feel free to contact us
by filling out the form below. Thank you!